KM LINKS Type 'knowledge management' into a search engine and you will find thousands of pages. Many are from suppliers promoting a specific product or service. Those listed here offer helpful content, usually from an independent authoritative perspective.
Within each category sites are listed in alphabetical order. The sites were last reviewed in January 2008. Note - each link opens in a new window. Gold Star Sites
Portals & Specialist WebsitesCIO on Knowledge Management. KM features as an application or here as enterprise leadership. As you might expect there is a strong IT slant, but searching reveals interesting articles and cases on topics like KM strategy, processes and measurement. ENTOVATION International. These pages, by knowledge innovation pioneer Debra Amidon, writer of The Ken Awakeninggives insights into knowledge innovation in her paper The Momentum of Knowledge Management. There are also many other articles, timelines, the Global Knowledge Leadership Map, and variety of tools and resources, including the Litmus Test. The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management. A portal for the work of Bryan Davis of Toronto and colleagues who have been researching online knowledge markets, knowledge patterns and knowledge innovation zones. The structure is not always obvious, but click around and you'll find a wealth of information and links. IT Toolbox (Knowledge Management). As its name suggests there is a technical bias, but it boasts 120,000 subscribers to its KM section, where there are articles, blogs and weekly (email) newsletters for 'KM-doers' and .KM-decision-makers'. The KNOW Network (Teleos). Developed by Rory Chase, founding editor of the Journal of Knowledge Managementthis site has a regularly updated knowledge library with news and features (free). Membership of the network (annual fee: US&036;2,495) gives access to additional resources including trends, case studies and a database of best KM practices. Sveiby on Knowledge Management The KM Resource Centre (IKM Corporation) NHS KM Specialist Library. A good example of an organized KM resource, this one aimed at UK health professionals. Organizations and AssociationsAOK (Association of Knowledgework. Run by Jerry Ash, this free to join association has several KM e-zines, has a KM 'star series' where you can dialogue with world renowned KM luminaries, and has a useful website archive. APQC (American Productivity and Quality Center). A membership organization for corporates that has a high reputation for benchmarking and quality research studies with its member organizations. Its website has some highly useful free resources, including case studies, booklets on KM strategy development, communities of practice, critical success factors and measurement. You'll have to pay, though, for the excellent Best Practice Guides and Passportguides. KMPro.Based in Washington, but with chapters world-wide this is arguably the major KM professional membership organisation following a merger in 2002 with KIMPS (Knowledge and Innovation Management Professional Society) offering accredited courses, a newsletter, local meetings and a resource library. KMCI (Knowledge Management Consortium International. Founded in 1997 as an international professional association of Knowledge Management practitioners, its main role now is the promotion of KM 'certification' courses and publications on 'new generation knowledge management'. Discussion Groups / Email ListsAs well as forums on portals like knowledgeboard and AOK, others include: Act-KM. A Canberra-based forum whose focus is public sector knowledge management. Don't be put off by its Australian roots. It has an online discussion forum on Yahoo! Groups which has active international participation. KM-Forum. Organised by India's NCSI (National Centre for Science Information). One of the most active KM forums of world-wide interest. Learning To Fly. By the authors of the book of the same name. Useful for newcomers posing questions, but sporadic activity. KMTool. A community of 800 professionals, but not very active. There is also a motley collection of groups on Yahoo, including ikmf_figs (for Canadian government KM), kmam (Malaysia-based) and sikmleaders (for KM system integrators). BlogsThe newest form of resource offering individual's regular (sometimes irregular) observations on KM on a regular (or irregular) basis. Some offer RSS feeds. Knowledge Jolt With Jack (Vinson). Regular KM postings with a strong emphasis on personal effectiveness. KM Consulting. The interesting work of Ron Young, a Cambridge (UK) KM consultant. KM Space (Doug Cornelius). Although positioned as a lawmakers blog, Doug's range of regular contibutions (260 in 2007) makes this interesting reading for all. |
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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